LUMEN PRIZE LONDON: Fabio Giampietro vince il GOLD AWARD

14 Settembre 2016

The Global Award and Tour for Digital Art

GOLD AWARD goes to
Hyperplanes of Simultaneity

On September 29th at Hackney House, London, $11,000 was presented in prize money to some of the world’s most pioneering digital artists.
The winner, chosen by our eminent panel of judges was Hyperplanes of Simultaneity by Fabio Giampietro and Alessio De Vecchi.
A work that brings the barriers between art and tech tumbling down. Melding the tradition of painting with the most innovative technologies, Hyperplanes of Simultaneity uses virtual reality to annihilate the contemplative distance between the voyeur and the work of art. Removing the painting from the confines of its frame, the painting on canvas is exploded into three dimensions allowing the spectator to step inside and voyage across the mind of the artist.

“Spectacular virtual city painting crashes forth at Lumen Prize”

“This year’s Lumen Prize winner?
An artwork that combines virtual reality and painting.
A sweeping cityscape has been painted in glorious expressive strokes.Now imagine that coming to life, in a new virtual world.
That’s exactly what Italian artists Fabio Giampietro and Alessio De Vecchi have done in their VR masterpiece Hyperplanes of Simultaneity.
So immersive is the imposing experience that it’s been awarded this year’s Lumen Prize for digital art.”

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